Get your message heard by B2B tech influencers and decision makers. By Dennie Theodore, Communications Trailblazer and HCI Board Member
B2B Technology Marketing Agency
Our Clients
Meet the many companies that choose HCI.
Why companies choose HCI
Knowledge and experience
Our people have decades of experience connecting B2B tech clients to influencers and buyers in powerful and engaging ways. HCI teams blend experts in technology, PR, digital, and content. Each of us thinks strategically to ensure time is focused on what propels business objectives within budget.
B2B tech focus
Our understanding of technology drives powerful connections that trigger key audiences to engage with our client’s products and services. Robotics, industrial automation, cybersecurity, embedded systems, enterprise solutions, and other technologies are our strength.
Commitment to relationships
Our (com)passion for our clients and the business results we deliver drive client loyalty and new referrals. We build long-term partnerships and bring energy to every connection.
HCI extends your marketing team to maximize the business impact and deliver the best results.
Our Promise
We distill the complex technology of our clients into messages that resonate and engage audiences. We create and repurpose content in myriad forms across channels to build market momentum and wring out all the value for every client.