Integrated B2B Tech Marketing Strategy Drives Connections

| Mar 10, 2021 |

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So, your 2020 sales and marketing plans went sideways, and 2021 plans are shaping up about the same. Every usual method for generating leads, demonstrating products, and giving industry talks—conferences and tradeshows—has gone virtual and is severely diminished.  You are faced with reaching buyers and influencers in multiple countries and no badge-scanning option to overcome GDPR in Europe.

Illustration of gentleman in tie surveying urban horizon with spyglass

Going it alone in turbulent times.

Your boss is anxious. Your marketing team is challenged, even under normal conditions, to identify marketing activity that generates revenue. And, while pretty slides are nice, they’re no magic bullet for delivering results. Nor are pretty numbers: a 200% increase in web traffic offers no value if it doesn’t make a difference to sales.

Don’t despair. Viable solutions remain to generate awareness that leads your target to understand and adopt your products and services. Connecting your marketing plan across multiple platforms delivers superior results and ROI. Like in engineering, take an iterative approach—design, develop, and test. Experiment and try new things.

Integrated Marketing for Better ROI

Let data and analytics drive a feedback loop to execute a marketing methodology that’s objective and insightful. That’s what we are doing with one client that, like many, lost its trade show lead-generation channel due to COVID-19. Together we shaped a multi-channel marketing plan that brings together virtual press conferences, webinars, email blitzes, banner ads, and paid social media posts to keep the leads flowing.

This kind of good marketing discipline brings clarity and helps get you where you want to go. The challenge to you as a marketing leader is that you’re presented with so many opportunities, too many interrupts, and not enough time, day after day. Our clients benefit from integrated marketing planning that helps set priorities and focus on what matters year-round. Within the context of a strategic marketing plan, together we experiment, learn, and integrate. We pair quantity with quality to drive marketing results.

Would you like guidance on how to maximize your marketing results to drive sales? Reach out to us. HCI Marketing and Communications is passionate about proven results driven by technology. Everyone on the team learns new ways to deliver better results continuously. We stand by our brand promise: HCI helps grow clients’ businesses by (com)passionately and powerfully connecting them with influencers and buyers to deliver results. We look forward to speaking with you.

Let's connect.
HCI has marketing professionals in North America and Europe.

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